Speech Materals 357 Help wanted: Cambridge seeks Lego professor The University of Cambridge is on the cusp of hiring a Lego professor. The 800-year-old British university recently acce... 15.07.2015 Speech Materals
Speech Materals 356 Fax machines holding on, especially in Japan It may have slipped from its golden age into its golden years, but two decades into the Internet era, the fax machine is... 15.07.2015 Speech Materals
Speech Materals 355 US Manufacturing costs are almost as low as China’s, and that’s a very big deal “Made in the U.S.A” is becoming more affordable. The reason? Fracking. You don’t need a Nobel Prize in economics to know... 15.07.2015 Speech Materals
Speech Materals 354 How Adobe keeps key employees from quitting If there’s one thing almost everyone in corporate America can agree on, it’s that traditional once-a-year evaluations ar... 15.07.2015 Speech Materals
Speech Materals 353 Cutting Edge Containers Japanese food and beverage makers are in a fierce competition to improve the design of their bottles and other container... 15.07.2015 Speech Materals