Speech Materals

998 I got inked by the world’s oldest tattoo artist

The first sound I heard upon reaching Buscalan was that of heaving and panting. A group of us had just completed a steep...
Speech Materals

997 Fossils of Ancient Reptile Found in Brazil

BRASILIA (Reuters) — A Brazilian scientist has identified fossils of a small crocodile-like reptile that lived during th...
Speech Materals

996 Keeping children safe on social media: What parents should know to protect their kids

At what age should kids be on social media? Should they be on it at all? If they aren't, will they be social pariahs? Sh...
Speech Materals

995 Introducing peanut butter during infancy can help protect against a peanut allergy later on, new study finds

Reassuring new evidence suggests that feeding children smooth peanut butter during infancy and early childhood can help ...
Speech Materals

994 What germs can you pick up from gym equipment? Here’s how to minimise the risk when exercising

Whether you’re bench pressing, cycling, bouldering or folding your body into a yoga pose, your body is going to come int...
Speech Materals

993 Feeling angry? Writing down and throwing away those thoughts can calm you down, Japan study reveals

This method is inspired by the Japanese tradition known as hakidashisara, where people smash small discs representing th...
Speech Materals

992 China reopens Mount Everest access to foreigners

For the first time since the pandemic, China is allowing foreign climbers to access Mount Everest via Tibet. Adrian Ball...
Speech Materals

991 Dealing with indigestion after over-eating? Try these 4 easy-to-make TCM recipes for relief

We’ve all been there. That uncomfortable, about-to-burst feeling in the abdomen that follows a buffet binge, finishing u...
Speech Materals

990 A Ramadan etiquette guide for non-Muslims

There are more than 8 billion people in the world. And about a quarter of them are fasting from sunup to sundown. Every ...
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989 Japan’s new ATMs automatically play anti-fraud videos to people talking on mobile phones

One of the most problematic side-effects of Japan’s steadily aging population has been the proliferation of “special fra...
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988 Do you worry about getting old? The benefits of changing your mindset about ageing

People who think positively about getting older often live longer, healthier lives. Here is how to reconsider your persp...
Speech Materals

987 At trendy Japanese cafes, customers enjoy cuddling with pigs

First there were cafes that allowed pets. Then came cat cafes, where lattes took second place to feline interaction. The...
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986 Taiko: What are those big powerful drums you see at festivals in Japan?

TOKYO The celebratory sound of taiko (drum) has become integral to many festivals and performances across Japan. For cen...
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985 Kobe stands with Noto area on 29th anniversary of Great Hanshin Earthquake

KOBE Residents in the western Japan city of Kobe and its vicinity showed solidarity with those affected by the earthquak...
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984 New Year New You

Staying calm and carrying on in 2024 For many, the new year brings an opportunity to take stock of our habits and wellbe...
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983 The Italian town where Santa Claus is buried

Everyone knows that Santa will be doing the rounds at Christmas, squeezing down chimneys, knocking back glasses of whisk...
Speech Materals

982 Daikouzen-ji Temple: Immerse yourself in Japanese culture and nature

SAGA-Sitting on the border of Fukuoka and Saga Prefectures, Daikouzen-ji Temple has a history reaching back over 1300 ye...
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981 Giving thanks isn’t just a holiday tradition. It’s part of how humans evolved

It’s the season of giving thanks — and it turns out humans have been doing it for a long, long time. As more researchers...
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979 Why this 54-year-old Japanese is considered one of Asia’s climbing legends

Yuji Hirayama may be in his 50s but the veteran climber is still conquering some of the world's hardest routes. And he's...
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978 Feeling bloated after over-eating while on holiday? How to feel better and lighter after coming back

You're not happy about the souvenirs you've lugged back, namely feeling like a whale and an overwhelming sense of guilt ...
Speech Materals

977 How do your calorie needs change as you get older? Here’s what you need to know

Your body’s need for fuel shifts as you get older. Your eating habits should shift, too. You can think of burning calori...
Speech Materals

976 The 5 Top Foods Rich in Prebiotics, According to Scientists

Growing evidence suggests that consuming prebiotics, types of fiber that stimulate gut bacteria, can promote a healthy g...
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975 Losing Sleep? New Study Suggests Checking Your Blood Pressure

Researchers found a correlation between insomnia symptoms and the risk of hypertension in women. This study, spanning si...
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974 Babies Who Nap Frequently Have Smaller Vocabularies and Poorer Cognitive Skills

New research reveals infants who nap more have smaller vocabularies and poorer cognitive skills, reflecting their indivi...
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973 How to Help Your Kids Deal With Stress

While we can't completely remove stress from their lives, we can equip them with tools they can use when they feel overw...
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972 Genetic Evidence Shows That Smoking Can Cause Us to Age Faster

New research has found that current smokers have significantly shorter leucocyte telomere lengths, indicating accelerate...
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971 How to deal with eczema: Does skipping seafood help? Are essential oils effective?

Dermatologists answer some common eczema-related questions to better manage the itchiness, redness and flakiness many Si...
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970 HOMEHEALTH NEWS Yale Researchers Discover Potential New Way To Treat Cancer

A new study shows that cancer cells with extra chromosomes rely on those additional chromosomes for tumor growth, and re...
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969 Alzheimer’s Alert: Your Gut Bacteria Could Provide an Early Warning

Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis found that individuals in the earliest stages of Alzheimer’s have dist...
Speech Materals

968 Is taking a hot shower after drinking or eating bad for you and can it really cause white spots on the skin?

Will you get into the proverbial hot water if you step into a steaming-hot shower after a beer or two? Hot tubs are a no...
Speech Materals

969 A dentist reveals the one thing you should never do when brushing your teeth

The one thing you should never do when brushing your teeth has been revealed by a dentist - but it's a pretty common mis...
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968 5 Lakes to Visit in Japan This Summer (or at Any Time)

Whether you plan to take a dip or simply enjoy the beautiful scenery, these five lakes in Japan deliver on all fronts (o...
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967 Heat affects older people more – here’s how to stay safe

If you’re over 65 – or know someone who is – it’s important to take high temperatures seriously. We are experiencing the...
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966 Mental health is foundational to women & girls’ empowerment

New global research launched by Kate Spade New York and Prospira Global shows that good mental health is foundational to...
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965 Many teens are struggling with insomnia – experts offer tips on getting a good night’s sleep

In the US, nearly a quarter of adolescents grapple with insomnia. Experts say small habit changes can make a big differe...
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964 Japanese officials call for Mount Fuji crowd control

A surge in demand for rest cabins on Mount Fuji has led Japanese officials to call for crowd control measures including ...
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963 Think hearing aids are only for the elderly? Here’s why you may need them as early as in your 30s

About 20 per cent of patients with hearing loss in Singapore are in their 30s or 40s, according to an audiologist. And g...
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962 Kyoto wants to add extra charges for tourists to use city buses

TOKYO Compared to other large Japanese cities, Kyoto’s city center has remarkably little rail service. With no train lin...
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961 Experts warn bird flu virus changing rapidly in largest ever outbreak

The virus causing record cases of avian influenza in birds across the world is changing rapidly, experts have warned, as...
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960 How drawing, music and writing can benefit your mental health (even if you’ve got no talent for these)

When Dr Frank Clark was in medical school studying to be a psychiatrist, he decided to write his first poem. “All that c...
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959 North Korea launches rocket after satellite warning

North Korea has launched a rocket shortly after announcing it planned to send up its first space satellite, sources in J...
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958 Is yoga really good for you? Here’s how to start a practice

Yoga has been popular for decades, but participation in the mind-body practice just keeps growing. In 2017, more than 14...
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957 7 Worst Daily Habits for Your Joints as You Age

Changes in your body are the name of the game as you get older, and one area that can be particularly affected is your j...
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956 Half of world on track to be overweight by 2035

More than half the world's population will be classed as obese or overweight by 2035 if action is not taken, the World O...
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955 6 Things That Make Your Acid Reflux Worse

If you have acid reflux, how, what and when you eat may be contributing to uncomfortable digestive symptoms. Eating shou...
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954 Climate Change May Be Making Your Seasonal Allergies Worse

Itchy eyes and sneezing? You might be suffering from climate change. If you’re feeling like allergy season keeps getting...
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953 Tokyo ramen shop bans customers from using their phones while eating

In Japan’s ramen restaurants, there’s an unspoken rule: eat quickly and leave. One noodle shop owner takes this custom s...
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952 Smart LED Contact Lenses for Treating and Preventing Eye Disease

Smart LED contact lenses developed for treating diabetic retinopathy. Diabetes is a long-term chronic disease with many ...
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951 Ways to Make Your Kids Laugh More To Improve Your Health

They say that laughter is the best medicine and this may actually be true in a lot of situations. Positive states such a...
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950 Virtual reality helps Japan’s elderly travel the world

Traveling from the canals of Venice to San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge, a group of elderly people in Japan is seeing ...