969 A dentist reveals the one thing you should never do when brushing your teeth

The one thing you should never do when brushing your teeth has been revealed by a dentist – but it’s a pretty common mistake that a lot of people are making.

The dentist revealed that when it comes to oral hygiene, there is one simple thing that you can do to ensure you are looking after your teeth properly – and it’s unbelievably simple. All you have to do: wet your toothbrush before you put toothpaste on your brush.

Dr Payal Bhalla, Lead Dentist and Clinical Director of Quest Dental explained, “Wetting your toothbrush before brushing your teeth is essential for several reasons. Firstly, wetting the bristles helps distribute toothpaste more effectively, ensuring better coverage across the tooth surfaces. This results in enhanced cleaning efficiency and a more thorough removal of plaque and debris.”

Dr Bhalla then explained that wetting the toothbrush can also ensure that your teeth and gums have a more gentle experience. “Secondly, wetting the toothbrush softens the bristles, making the brushing experience gentler on gums and tooth enamel, reducing the risk of irritation or damage,” the dentist explained.

“Additionally, the moisture helps activate the toothpaste ingredients, making them more effective in fighting bacteria and maintaining oral hygiene. By wetting your toothbrush, you can improve your overall brushing experience and promote better oral health outcomes, making it a simple yet valuable step in your daily dental care routine,” Dr Bhalla said.

The dentist also explained some of the dangers of dry brushing. “Brushing your teeth with a dry toothbrush can have several negative effects on your oral health and overall dental care routine. Dry bristles can be more abrasive on your tooth enamel, leading to its gradual wear and tear. Over time, this may cause tooth sensitivity and increase the risk of dental cavities and decay.”

Dr Bhalla added, “Dry brushing can also be harsh on your gums, leading to irritation, redness, and inflammation. It may cause discomfort and increase the likelihood of gum recession. Wetting the toothbrush helps create a foamy lather with toothpaste, which enhances its cleaning capabilities.”

I – Word Understanding
Plaque – is the sticky, colorless film of bacteria that forms on teeth.
Debris – scattered pieces of waste or remains.
Abrasive – a substance or material capable of polishing or cleaning a hard surface by rubbing or grinding.

II – Have Your Say
1, What are the five basic steps for caring for teeth and gums?
* Proper Brushing Twice per Day. Brushing in the morning and at night for two minutes is vital for oral health.
* Flossing and Rinsing Daily.
* Routine Dental Visits for Prevention.
* A Healthy Diet Promotes Healthy Teeth.
* Avoid Tobacco Products.

969 A dentist reveals the one thing you should never do when brushing your teeth