
Speech Materals

727 Is fasting good for you?

For some people, fasting is a way to cleanse the body of toxins. For others, it's a religious or spiritual practice. Whi...
Speech Materals

726 Coronavirus will change the grocery industry forever

The outbreak of coronavirus is pushing Americans to buy their groceries online, a development that could have a lasting ...
Speech Materals

725 How to choose clothes that will last

Fast fashion refers to clothes that quickly go from the catwalk to the retail stores to capitalize on fashion trends. It...
Speech Materals

724 How Social Media Sensationalism Is Fueling Stress Around Coronavirus

The coronavirus is spreading, and so is the panic-inducing media coverage. As Neal Rothschild and Sara Fischer write in ...
Speech Materals

723 4 Key Benefits of Online Meetings

Regardless of the industry you work in, there's bound to be a moment - once a month, or perhaps even once a week - when ...
Speech Materals

722 Understanding the tradition of wet markets

Fresh food markets — where people can buy fruits and vegetables and sometimes seafood and meat — are popular in many pla...
Speech Materals

721 The health benefits of a random act of kindness

Studies have shown that putting the well-being of others before our own without expecting anything in return -- or what ...
Speech Materals

720 Effective Ways To Boost Your Immune System Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

With all the tips being thrown at us on how to prevent exposure from coronavirus (and viruses in general) this season, i...