951 Ways to Make Your Kids Laugh More To Improve Your Health

They say that laughter is the best medicine and this may actually be true in a lot of situations. Positive states such as laughter, may play into children’s overall level of resilience and their ability to cope with emotional problems. (Stanford medicine)

Laughter increases endorphins which eases anxiety and improves mood. Laughter also makes the immune system work better and amps up memory. That means that humor activates children’s brains in a positive way. And isn’t it always a treat to see your kids throw their heads back in laughter? Keep your kids laughing with these silly ideas.
1, Say Tongue Twisters.
2, Play a fun game together.
3, Read funny or joke-telling books.
4, Watch funny movies or shows.
5, Remember to be silly.

I – Word Understanding
Resilience – the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties.
Cope – to face and deal with responsibilities, problems or difficulties.
Endorphins – one of several substances made in the body that can relieve pain.

II – Have Your Say
1, How can parents help to make childhood more enjoyable for their child?
2, Why is it important to spend quality time with your child?
3, How childhood memories have shaped you as an individual?

951 Ways to Make Your Kids Laugh More To Improve Your Health