206 Bhutan to cut fossil fuel imports 70%, embrace electric cars


The small, mountainous nation of Bhutan is getting in on the act. The same country that has made headlines for measuring Gross National Happiness (there are some legitimate questions for how GNH is calculated) and aiming for 100% organic agriculture recently announcing a partnership with Nissan to supply electric vehicles (EVs) to government and taxi fleets, as well as electric vehicle chargers, as part of a broad scale effort to cut fossil fuel imports by a whopping 70%, eventually aiming to become a zero emissions nation.

There are a number of reasons why this is important, most notably because while Bhutan is a net exporter of hydroelectric energy, it also imports all of the gasoline and diesel used for transportation. Much like recent efforts to encourage energy independence for island nations, a country like Bhutan serves to benefit disproportionately from cutting the cord from fossil fuels.

I Word Understanding
Gross National Happiness – an attempt to measure, through psychological and physiological means, a country’s happiness, as a direct reference to GDP (Gross Domestic Product).
Broad Scale ? extensive program
Whopping- very large
Zero emissions – refers to an engine, motor, process, or other energy source, that emits no waste products that pollutes the environment or disrupts the climate.
Hydroelectric energy – the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water.
Disproportionately ? out of proportion.
Cutting the cord ? cutting expenses from fossil fuel importation.

II Have your say
1.The Leaf is the world’s bestselling electric car, selling a cumulative 100,000 so far since going
on sale in late 2010. Most deals in electric cars tend to be with developed nations, making
Bhutan a relatively unusual case. What is the purpose of Nissan?
2. Nissan has an agreement on other countries of supplying Electric vehicle. Two of those are
Spain and Brazil. Why do Nissan take a great risk on Electric vehicle broad scale?
3. General concern for Electric Vehicles (EV)
Charging Up station
Life of car
Lithium battery supply for Electric Vehicles

206 Bhutan to cut fossil fuel imports 70%, embrace electric cars