261 Early Death Risk Factors: 5 Seemingly Innocent Behaviors That Are Increasing Your Risk Of Premature Death


Death is an inevitable part of life, but dying before our time is entirely preventable According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the average life expectancy for Americans was 78.7 years in 2012. Dying at any point before that age could be considered a premature death.

There are several key risk factors that can contribute to an early death by way of a chronic
. For example, tobacco use, alcohol use, salt intake, and high blood pressure are all considered risk factors that can significantly increase our risk of a premature death.

I – Word Understanding
inevitable – cannot be avoided
chronic illness – a disease that lasts for a long time

II – Have Your Say
While the hazardous effects of tobacco use and high blood pressure are well understood, there are other seemingly innocent behaviors that can also lead to an early grave.
1. Watching too much TV
2. Being lonely
3. Early retirement
4. Exposure to air pollution
5. Not brushing your teeth

261 Early Death Risk Factors: 5 Seemingly Innocent Behaviors That Are Increasing Your Risk Of Premature Death