311 Superbugs Could Kill 10 Million By 2050, Report Warns


Could be deadlier than cancer

Rising rates of drug-resistant infections could lead to the death of some 10 million people and cost some $100 trillion in 2050.

That’s the startling conclusion of a review commissioned by British Prime Minister David Cameron which has warned that if antimicrobial resistance is not curbed, it could undermine modern medicine and cut up to 3.5% from the global economy.

The threat could also disproportionately affect the developing world, according to the report authored by economist Jim O’Neill, leading to more than 4 million deaths in Africa and 4.7 million deaths in Asia. By comparison, cancer killed 8.2 million people worldwide in 2014.

I – Word Understanding
antimicrobial resistance – the ability of bacteria to resist the effect of antimicrobial medicine
undermine – weaken or damage

II – Have Your Say
Antibiotics are drugs used to treat bacterial infections by stopping the growth of bacteria or killing the bacteria directly. Improper use of antibiotics could lead to antibiotic resistance and could sometimes lead to problems. Here are some things to remember:
1. Take all the medication prescribed by the doctor.
2. Never borrow others’ antibiotics
3. Antibiotics can cause some side effects.
4. Properly dispose of unused medications.
5. Be certain that you have a clear idea of the directions.
Antibiotics are some of the most frequently prescribed medicines. They can treat conditions like:
1. Pneumonia
2. Acne
3. Ear infection
4. Kidney infection

311 Superbugs Could Kill 10 Million By 2050, Report Warns