004 Police beat a woman in India


A woman was returning from a wedding in India when she was sexually harassed by a group of taxi drivers. She says that her father and her brother went to the taxi drivers but they attacked them with swords.

So, the woman, her father and her brother went to the police. But the policemen didn’t listen to them. They beat them instead. The beating was filmed on a camera by a person on the street.

I – Word Understanding
Harassed – make someone’s life unpleasant
Swords – weapon which you hold in your hand and which is long and sharp
Instead – As an alternative or substitute
Filmed – make a movie

II – Have your say
1.Why death penalty is no solution as a justice for India’s rape victims?
2.Violence and discrimination against girls and women are facts of Indian daily life.
3.Some people believed that rape isn’t a crime but a surprise sex.

004 Police beat a woman in India