008 Which working parent feels more guilty? You’d be surprised


Working fathers feel more guilty than working mothers about the amount of time they spend with their children, with fewer dads viewing themselves as good parents, according to Pew Research Center findings released on Thursday.

About 46 per cent of fathers said they are not putting in enough hours with their kids, compared with just 23 per cent of the moms surveyed in Pew’s analysis of long-term data, titled “Modern Parenthood Roles of Moms and Dads Converge as They Balance Work and Family.”

I – Word Understanding
Guilty – culpable of or responsible for a specified wrongdoing
Spend – expend or consume
According – as stated by or in
Findings – a conclusion reached as a result of an inquiry, investigation, or trial
Putting – giving
Analysis – detailed examination
Converge – come from different directions and meet at (a place)

II – Have your say
1.Don’t look at anything as “mom” duties – share responsibilities.
2.Kids like making decisions
3.Sense of humor required
4.Don’t be the absent dad
5.Teach them independence

008 Which working parent feels more guilty? You’d be surprised