404 Is the noise of modern life making you ill? Ultrasound in public places could be triggering sickness, headaches and pain


Scientists say that a boom in public announcement systems, loudspeakers and automatic doors may be spawning an epidemic of ultrasonic sickness.

Even electronic devices designed to scare away mice and cats could be triggering symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, and tiredness, stomach pain, and headaches.

The symptoms of ultrasonic sickness have traditionally been associated with workers using heavy-duty drills, welding tools and other industrial equipment.

However, Southampton University researchers say that modern technology means that growing numbers of us are surrounded by ultrasound pollution in our everyday lives.

Schools, railways stations, sports grounds, museums and libraries are all potential sources of exposure.

I  Word Understanding

Spawning – produce
Ultrasonic sickness – is sound waves that have a higher frequency than the human ear can hear that cause irritation and anxiety to human mind.
Triggering – provoke

II      Have your say

1. Do you worry about pollution?
Traffic pollution
Noise pollution
Underwater noise

2.What are the factors to live in peace and quiet life?
3. What would life be like if your environment was so noisy you couldn’t even hear yourself think?
4. Do you think there should be human-free noise zones?

404 Is the noise of modern life making you ill? Ultrasound in public places could be triggering sickness, headaches and pain