First, don’t skip out on your nightly seven hours. Research has shown that your brain undergoes a natural detoxifying process in the wee hours of the night, removing harmful byproducts—like the amyloid plaques that cause Alzheimer’s—produced during a normal day of neurotransmission. But that process is only completed when you get the full seven hours of rest.
Water is critical for more than feeling hydrated. It keeps your bodily fluids flowing so that the lungs, kidneys, and liver can do their jobs. All bodily processes release some kind of waste, and having enough water is critical to keep blood vessels open and those byproducts flowing to the liver and kidneys where they can be filtered out. (In the kidneys, you need enough water so that extra ions, sugars, and waste products can diffuse from the blood into the kidney and eventually leave your body as urine.) But when you’re not sufficiently hydrated, your kidneys try to conserve water by concentrating your urine. In the short run, the higher concentration of waste products in your urine means you lose less water, but in the long term it increases your risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infection.
I – Word Understanding
Wee hours – the period immediately after midnight
Byproducts – something produced in addition to the main product (sometimes produced
Amyloid plaques – bad proteins formed in the brain that has a role in alzheimers
Hydrated – to supply with enough fluid
Diffuse – to pour out or leak
II – Have Your Say
1, How many hours of sleep is enough for you? How do you make sure you get good quality of sleep?
a, Comfy bed
b, Good quality pillows
c, Air conditioner
d, Noise and light control
2, Did you know? In as little as 2 hours of dehydration, our brain functions will be critically impaired making it difficult to focus and perform tasks. So how do you stay hydrated? Let’s take a look at these simple steps to stay hydrated:
a, Don’t wait til your thirsty to drink.
b, Flavor your water (if plain water is boring to you).
c, Eat water-rich fruits and vegetables.
d, Get inside when it gets too hot.
e, Dress for the weather.
f, Be aware of the signs of dehydration