801 What is Earth Hour?

Earth Hour is one of the world’s largest grassroots movements for the environment. It was started by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in 2007 in Sydney, Australia. It is held every last Saturday of March for an hour from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm in your local time zone and engages millions of people in more than 180 countries and territories. It sees the world switching off its lights to show support for the planet. The movement is an open-source platform and welcomes everyone, anywhere to take part in the movement and help protect the planet.

Earth Hour is all about spreading awareness of environmental issues in our global and local communities. It is an annual global event organized by WWF (World Wild Fund for Nature) encouraging individuals, communities, corporates, and households to turn off their lights to show support for the fight against climate change and commitment towards a better planet. Every year on the last Saturday of the month of March from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., millions across the world choose to turn off their lights for one hour to celebrate their commitment to the planet.

Earth Hour this year is March 27, 2021.

I – Word Understanding
Grassroots – basic; involves the very basic level of society
Open-source – publicly accessible / anyone can access or join

II – Have Your Say
1, Have you ever participated in Earth Hour? Is it popular in your country? If not, what other “save the environment” movements are more known around you?
2, Are you willing to turn your lights off for an hour on Earth Hour? What benefits do you think this will bring? What are the other things you are willing to do to help save our environment?
3, If this article has convinced you to join Earth Hour, what are the things that you would do during this one hour of darkness? Here are some suggestions:
a, Have a candlelit dinner.
b, Have a candlelit workout
c, Play or learn to play and instrument
d, Go look at the stars.
e, Go for a night time walk or bike ride.
f, Let this be a time for reflection.
g, Go to bed early.

801 What is Earth Hour?