812 3 Things That Will Make You Happier Than Money, According to Research

The key to finding the right balance is to remember what you’re actually chasing.
Money and success are pretty meaningless in themselves. We chase them not because a bunch of zeros on your bank balance or an impressive résumé is inherently awesome, but because we believe these things will make us happier and more fulfilled.

Up to a point, that’s correct. No one suggests being poor is anything other than stressful and unpleasant. But once you reach a point of financial stability, science shows that there isn’t a linear relationship between more dollars and more happiness. In fact, a whole bunch of studies show that other things that take time away from work have a much greater impact on your happiness than another hour toiling away at the office.

1, Relationship
2, Exercise
3, A shorter commute

I – Word Understanding
Linear relationship – having constant or the same direction (more money = more happiness)
Toiling away – working hard
Trade offs – giving up one thing in return for another
Tipping point – an important point where significant changes happen

II – Have Your Say
1, Success could mean different things. What is your own definition of success? What are the things that you would relate to success (happiness, money, career, relationship, etc)?
2, What are the things (simple or major) that make you happy now?
3, As suggested in this article, how do you think these things make you happy?
a, Relationship
b, Exercise
c, Shorter commute

812 3 Things That Will Make You Happier Than Money, According to Research