814 How to Get Rid of Itchy Mosquito Bites ASAP, According to Experts

Of course, the best way to stop mosquito bites is to prevent them in the first place with an effective insect repellent. If you do suffer from a bite, the itching should go away within two to three days, Jonathan Day, Ph.D., a mosquito researcher and professor of medical entomology at the University of Florida.says.

Don’t want to wait that long? A number of home remedies can help you get rid of mosquito bites quickly. While some research shows that popular natural solutions (like applying a banana peel to your bite when you’re in a pinch) can temporarily reduce swelling and irritation, the following treatments are the most effective ways to get rid of itchy mosquito bites ASAP.

1, Swab the bite with rubbing alcohol.
2, Treat it with ice—or anything cold, really.
3, Dab on calamine lotion.
4, Pop an oral antihistamine.
5, Slather on aloe vera gel.
6, Reach for baking soda.
7, Apply hydrocortisone cream.

I – Word Understanding
Insect Repellent – a substance that scares off or puts off insects
Entomology – a study of insects
In a pinch – badly needs help
Antihistamine – a medicine for treating allergies

II – Have Your Say
1, What are your main concerns when it comes to mosquitoes and mosquito bites?
2, What are the common practices in your country done to repel mosquitoes and treat mosquito bites?
3, Are you familiar with diseases that are spread to people by mosquitoes? Let’s take a look at some of those and discuss what you know:
a, Dengue fever
b, Malaria
c, Zika
d, West Nile Virus
e, Chikungunya Virus

814 How to Get Rid of Itchy Mosquito Bites ASAP, According to Experts