059 Facebook to charge for messages sent to non-friends


FACEBOOK users are to be charged up to ?10 a time to message people who are not in their network of

The site will likely charge between 70p and ?10 to contact users who are not in their ‘friends’ list
Users will reportedly be charged more for contacting celebrities on the site
Facebook have said that the system is intended to prevent spam

It is likely that the site will charge between 70p and ?10 to contact users who are not friends on the site, whilst users will reportedly be charged more to message celebrities.

A Facebook spokesman said: “The system of paying to message non-friends in their Facebook inbox is designed to prevent spam, while acknowledging that sometimes you might want to hear from people outside your immediate social circle.

“We are testing a number of price points in the UK and other countries to establish the optimal fee that signals importance. Part of that test involves charging higher amounts for public figures, based on the number of followers they have.

“This is still a test and these prices are not set in stone.”

I – Word Understanding
Designed – do or plan (something) with a specific purpose or intention in mind
Prevent – make (someone or something) unable to do something
Acknowledging – accept or admit the existence or truth of
Establish – set up (an organization, system, or set of rules)
Optimal – best or most favorable
Not set in stone – not fixed and unchangeable

II – Have your say
1.One of Mark Zuckerberg’s best talents, his peers say, is his ability to fire people.
2.Mark Zuckerberg is a huge fan of the BlackBerry. That’s one reason why Facebook has botched mobile, one source close to Facebook told BusinessWeek.
3.Facebook engineers originally wanted to call the “Like” button the “Awesome” button.

059 Facebook to charge for messages sent to non-friends