827 4 Ways to Maximize the Benefits of 10 Minutes Outside

You don’t need to go far to feel re-energized.

Whether your job has you on your computer or on your feet all day, the thought of taking a walk outdoors in your free time may not hold much appeal, particularly if the weather’s bad. But carving out a few minutes for a breath of fresh air is essential for our health and well-being. “Being in nature is good for us. We feel energized, more clear-headed, and more content,” Inna Khazan, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and faculty member at Harvard Medical School, tells Thrive. “Research tells us that spending just two hours a week in nature brings significant improvement to our health and well-being.” And It’s just as effective if you break it up into small chunks throughout the week, she points out.

Here are four ways to enjoy the healing power of nature today:

Find a spot to take a pause – experience being still – without phones or distractions

Focus on one detail at a time – pay attention to whatever your eyes are drawn to

Hug a tree (or touch one) – Studies have found that directly connecting with nature can combat feelings of loneliness as well as increasing joy.

Watch a nature show – connecting to nature virtually can also have a positive impact on our well-being.

I – Word Understanding
Carving out – making effort to (spend)
Chunks – portions

II – Have Your Say
1, If you could go out and be in nature, what simple activity would you like to do?
2, According to studies, directly connecting with nature, like hugging or touching a tree, can combat loneliness and increase joy. Do you agree with this? Why or Why not?
3, What is your favorite nature show? Does it bring you enough joy?

827 4 Ways to Maximize the Benefits of 10 Minutes Outside