882 Support Your Body’s Detox Pathways With Hydration, Yoga & More

Whether you realize it or not, your body’s natural detoxification system is running 24/7 to eliminate toxins, fight oxidative stress, and promote overall well-being at all times.

That said, our exposure to modern toxins is at an all-time high, and our detox pathways need a little extra TLC from time to time. Luckily, there are a number of healthy practices that you can incorporate into your regular routine to help support your elimination organs and increase your body’s antioxidant activity. (A victory for detoxification and longevity alike!)

Here are some easy ways to support your body’s everyday detox efforts and promote whole-body health:

1, Drink more water.
2, Sweat it out in the sauna.
3, Up your antioxidant intake.
4, Roll out your yoga mat.
5, Take a deeeeep breath.

Detoxing isn’t a harsh “cleanse” you do once in a while but rather a daily biological process your body does with or without your support. To promote healthy redox balance and the proper elimination of toxins, consider incorporating these practices on a daily and weekly basis to actively support your natural detox pathways.

I – Word Understanding
Oxidative stress – an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in our body
TLC – tender loving care
Redox – oxidation reduction
Oxidation – a normal and necessary process in our body.

II – Have Your Say
1, How much water do you drink in a day? Is there any other drink / food you take that helps you detoxify your body?
2, What activities do you do to sweat out?
3, Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants. There are also a variety of supplements rich in antioxidants. Which sources do you prefer to take to make sure you have enough antioxidants in your body?
4, Do you practice yoga? What is your impression about yoga?
5, Have you practiced deep breathing? What do you think is the difference between deep breathing and normal breathing?

882 Support Your Body’s Detox Pathways With Hydration, Yoga & More