British researchers have demonstrated that those people who consume higher potassium in their diets and cut down salt are in lower risk of stroke.
The study indicates that a lower salt intake and potassium rich diet can combat high blood pressure and consequently the risk of stroke, according to the paper published in the British Medical Journal.
Two separate studies showed that increased level of potassium intake and modest reduction in salt consumption reduced blood pressure in adults.
Increasing potassium in the diet to 3-4g a day can reduce blood pressure in adults while it is linked to a 24% lower risk of stroke in them, the recent study says.
A modest reduction in salt intake for four or more weeks caused significant falls in blood pressure in people (men and women) with both raised and normal blood pressure, according to the study led by researchers at the Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine, Queen Mary, and University of London.
“Modest reduction in salt intake was equivalent to halving the amount of salt we consume each day,” said the study leader Graham MacGregor, professor of cardiovascular medicine at Queen Mary.
While the average potassium intake in many countries is below 70-80mmol per day, it is recommended that adults should consume around 4g of potassium a day (or at least 90-100mmol).
Potassium is found in most types of food, such as bananas, vegetables, pulses, nuts and seeds, milk, fish, chicken and bread.
I – Word Understanding
Demonstrated – clearly show the existence or truth of (something) by giving proof or evidence
Consume – eat, drink, or ingest (food or drink)
Stroke – is the sudden death of a portion of the brain cells due to a lack of oxygen
Indicates – point out or show
Combat – take action to reduce
Consequently – as a result
Intake – an act of taking something into the body
Reduction – the action or fact of making a specified thing smaller or less in amount
Cardiovascular – relating to the heart and blood vessels
II – Have your say
Changing the Perception of Stroke
Myth Reality
Stroke is not preventable Almost 80% of strokes are preventable
Stroke cannot be treated Stroke requires emergency treatment
Strokes only strike the elderly Strokes can happen to anyone of any age
Stroke happens to the heart Stroke occurs in the brain
Stroke recovery happens for Stroke recovery can continue throughout life a few months post-stroke