900 ‘The Netflix effect’: Why Western women are heading to South Korea in search of love

There was something puzzling about the young Western women staying at the youth hostels in Seoul, thought researcher Min Joo Lee.

Unlike their Asian counterparts, who she saw squeezing in as many sights and shops as possible during their stays in the South Korean capital, these women — mostly in their early 20s — seemed uninterested in the usual tourist trails.

Instead, for most of their days they would remain inside their hostel, sleeping or watching Korean TV shows — venturing out only after dark.

After visiting eight hostels and interviewing 123 women, mostly from North America and Europe, Lee came to the conclusion that many had been drawn to the country by what she calls “the Netflix effect.”

Hit Korean television shows like “Crash Landing on You” and “Goblin,” were selling more than men with beautiful faces and chiseled bodies like their stars Hyun Bin and Gong Yoo.
They were offering a glimpse into a world where men were romantic and patient, an antithesis to what the women saw as the sex-obsessed dating culture of their home countries.

The women Lee interviewed were fascinated with Korean men who were portrayed on TV as being in touch with their emotions and willing to embrace their “effeminate sides,” Lee said.

They considered Korean men cultured and romantic while complaining that men in their home countries often neglected their appearances and had one-track minds.

I – Word Understanding
Antithesis – direct opposite (of someone else)
Effeminate – (a man) showing characteristics regarded as typical of a woman
One-track minds – to think about one particular thing and nothing else

II – Have Your Say
1, Are you familiar with Korean Dramas? What do you think about it? Why do you think it is popular in your country?
2, The popularity of Korean television shows with global audiences has coincided with a steady increase in the number of women tourists to South Korea. It has resulted in the increase of ‘international couples”. What do you think are the pros and cons of international couples?

900 ‘The Netflix effect’: Why Western women are heading to South Korea in search of love