907 Quiet Quitting: Everything You Need to Know

Quiet quitting doesn’t mean employees leaving their jobs. They limit their tasks to only what is strictly required to match their job description. For some, quiet quitting is a form of rebellion against the hustle culture.

When employees choose to quit, they just want to do the bare minimum instead of working for extended hours or taking up any additional work. Their main concern is to get the job done. Therefore, they are setting boundaries for their professional work and focusing more on their work-life balance.

These employees are still performing their jobs, but they are not adhering to the ‘work is life’ culture in order to lead their careers and stand out to their employers. They stick to their job description, and when they get home, they put work aside and concentrate on non-work obligations and activities.

Quiet quitting, on the other hand, could indicate that a person is dissatisfied with their job or is suffering from burnout. Quiet quitting is a strategy for an employee to deal with burnout and relieve stress. It could also indicate that they are ready to move jobs or are already seeking one.

I – Word Understanding
Hustle culture – a culture that encourages workers to work more than normal hours and complete a job on target and precisely
Adhere – to believe in and follow the practices

II – Have Your Say
1, How do you stay motivated at work and avoid workout?
Do you think quiet quitting is a way to achieve work-life balance?
2, How did the pandemic affect the work culture around you?
Have you had any changes in your work style as a result of the pandemic?

907 Quiet Quitting: Everything You Need to Know