910 Don’t shower during a thunderstorm. Here’s why

Trees begin to sway, the sky darkens and suddenly you hear it – the distant sound of thunder. That’s your cue that potential danger is on the way. In fact, it’s likely within 10 miles of you, according to the National Weather Service.

Don’t ignore that sound, because where there is thunder there is lightning, and lightning can kill or maim in ways you would least expect it.
That includes when you are in the shower, tub or even washing dishes.

Since lightning can travel through plumbing, “it is best to avoid all water during a thunderstorm. Do not shower, bathe, wash dishes, or wash your hands,” the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted.

“The risk of lightning traveling through plumbing might be less with plastic pipes than with metal pipes. However, it is best to avoid any contact with plumbing and running water during a lightning storm to reduce your risk of being struck,” the CDC added.

I – Word Understanding
Cue – signal
Maim – to cause serious injury

II – Have Your Say
1, How do you feel about thunderstorms? What do you usually do when there is one? Do you think there are more (or stronger) thunderstorms now than before?
2, Here are more things that we need to avoid during thunderstorms. Share your thoughts:
a, Stay off porches and balconies, don’t go near windows and doors, and do “NOT lie down on concrete floors or lean against concrete walls.
b, Do “NOT use anything connected to an electrical outlet, such as computers or other electronic equipment,” the CDC said. “Stay off corded phones. Cell phones and cordless phones are safe … if they are not connected to an outlet through a charger.”
c, If you are caught outside, do “NOT lie on the ground. Lightning causes electric currents along the top of the ground that can be deadly more than 100 feet away. Get inside a safe location; no place outside is safe,” the CDC said.
d, “Avoid anything that will increase your risk of being struck by lightning, such as being near or under tall trees. If there are no safe shelters in sight, crouch down in a ball-like position: put your feet together, squat low, tuck your head, and cover your ears. But remember, this is a last resort. Seek safe shelter first.”

910 Don’t shower during a thunderstorm. Here’s why