918 How to Feel More Joy and Purpose During Your Workday

Everyone has days when the clock seems to be running at half speed. Back-to-back meetings may leave us struggling with virtual fatigue. Repetitive tasks might make us feel sluggish and unable to focus. We might be dragging our feet, killing time without feeling particularly productive or inspired. It’s normal to fall into a rut from time to time, but when this feeling persists, it’s important to take action to feel more meaning and joy in our work. We may even find that some of the obstacles we’re facing have more to do with our own mindset and habits than any outside forces trying to hold us back.

If you’re feeling stuck, these Microsteps will help you break out of your funk and take back control of your time. Even one small change can open up new possibilities in your day.
1, Consider who benefits from your work.
2, Prioritize high-priority tasks.
3, Connect with your co-worker

I – Word Understanding
Dragging one’s feet – to procrastinate / to work slowly and reluctantly
Fall into a rut – doing the same thing for a very long time that it is not interesting any longer
Funk – a depression-like feeling, being unhappy and hopeless

II – Have Your Say
1, Who are the people who benefit from your work?
What is the importance of your work to them?
2, What are the 3 most important tasks you need to do today?
How do you plan to accomplish them?
3, Human connection is essential to our ability to produce good work and maintain good mental health. If you are to connect with someone today, who would it be and why?

918 How to Feel More Joy and Purpose During Your Workday