929 5 Coffee Habits That May Be Shortening Your Life, According to Science

For those who want to drink coffee on a regular basis, it’s important to know that if you’re not careful with your coffee habits, that magical cup of Joe may be harmful to your health. Coffee habits include things like how much you consume, when you drink it, what kind you drink, and what you add to your cup.

To learn more about the potential harm of these habits, we turned to research to learn which ones could be shortening your life, according to science.

1, You’re drinking too much coffee. According to a study, drinking more than 4 cups of coffee a day could result in negative consequences in terms of longevity.
2, Your coffee is drowning in sugar.
3, You’re adding too much creamer.
4, You’re too committed to decaf. The right amount of caffeine can improve health,
5, You’re not drinking it at all.

I – Word Understanding
Cup of Joe a common nickname for coffee
Decaf (decaffeinated) – coffee that have had at least 97% of its caffeine removed

II – Have Your Say
1, Are you a coffee person? How do you like your coffee? Describe your favorite coffee shop.
2, Coffee has several nicknames. Why do you think it has the following nicknames?
a, Dirt
b, Mud
c, Jitter juice
d, Pick-me-up
e, Cup of Joe
3, Share your knowledge about the health benefits of coffee.

929 5 Coffee Habits That May Be Shortening Your Life, According to Science