083 ‘Smart fork’ may help you lose weight


Now a new smart eating utensil called the HapiFork will help them count bites during meals, and maybe shame them into eating slower and potentially losing weight.

HapiFork, can be improved is how fast people eat. It takes 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain it is full and that it’s time to stop eating, putting speedy eaters at risk for being overeaters. The HapiFork team says there are many potential health benefits to eating slower, including decreasing acid reflux, obesity and diabetes.

The fork can be used to passively track eating habits and automatically sync that information, including duration of meals and frequency of forkfuls, with a smartphone.

I – Word Understanding
Overeaters -a person who eat too much
Acid reflux – acid reflux is a condition in which stomach acids rise up
Obesity – the condition of having an excess of body fat
Diabetes – a serious medical condition in which your body does not produce enough insulin to reduce the amount of sugar in the blood

II – Have your say
1.People are tracking their sleep patterns, heart rate, mood, air quality and work habits, often in a bid to analyze enough data to correct problems with their health or lifestyle.
2.One cheese pizza is the equivalent of twenty eight slices of bread which is equvalent to 2,000 Calories.Do you eat mindfully?
3.Do you eat less on days you get more than 8 hours sleep?

083 ‘Smart fork’ may help you lose weight