112 Self-Disciplined People Are Happier (and Not as Deprived as You Think)


It’s easy to think of the highly self-disciplined as being miserable misers or uptight Puritans, but it turns out that exerting self-control can make you happier not only in the long run, but also in the moment.

The research, which was published in the Journal of Personality, showed that self-control isn’t just about deprivation, but more about managing conflicting goals. Since most people associate highly disciplined folks with being more task-oriented – they’re not likely to be the life of the party, for example, or eager to act on a whim – the scientists decided to correlate self-control with people’s happiness, to determine if being self-disciplined leaves people feeling less joyful.

I – Word Understanding
Miser – a person who hates to spend money
Uptight Puritan – a person who is very strict and does not approve of recreation
Act on a whim – to do something without planning and thinking

II – Have your say
1. Money CAN buy happiness……
2. Self-discipline is self-control and self-restraint.
3. Miser vs. Frugal – A miser and a frugal person both have self-discipline in spending money. What’s the difference then?

112 Self-Disciplined People Are Happier (and Not as Deprived as You Think)