125 Digital distraction’ causes 20 million UK passengers to miss their bus or train stop every year


An estimated 20 million passengers miss bus or train stops each year because of ‘digital distraction‘ from their smartphones, a study suggests.

The problem has affected 51 per cent of Britons and causes 15 per cent of commuters to run late for meetings, according to the findings.

Londoners were found to be among the most preoccupied by their mobiles.
Three in five of the capital’s Tube, bus and train travellers said they had missed a stop for this reason.

On average, Londoners miss two stops a year because they are using their phones.

Of those who have missed stops, one in seven people said they failed to catch a bus because they were using their phones, more than one in ten said they missed a train, and one in 20 said they had missed a plane.

I – Word Understanding
Digital distraction – a person is distracted on electronic gadgets.
Preoccupied – excessively concerned with something or someone.

II – Have your say
1. We all understand that electronic devices have changed our lives, one of them is cuts a swath through our work, surfing the web and watching video clips and TV.Have you ever allowed yourself from any electronic device distructions?
Top 4 Digital Distractions
3.Digital Cameras
2. According to Robert Half Technology, a leading provider of IT professionals in the U.S.A,’ mobile devices have become increasingly integrated into the workplace, they’ve helped us become more productive, but they also can serve as a round-the-clock distraction,”

125 Digital distraction’ causes 20 million UK passengers to miss their bus or train stop every year