135 Global population to soar to 11 billion by 2100 as African population quadruples


The world’s population will reach almost eleven billion by the end of the century because of soaring birth rates in Africa, according to new research.

The current African population is about 1.1 billion and it is now expected to reach 4.2 billion, nearly
a fourfold increase, by 2100.

Researchers had expected fertility on the poorest continent where a woman will give birth to an average
of 5.2 children in her lifetime, to fall more quickly than it has.

A study last year found shifting population trends mean one in three children born by 2050 will be African.

Human rights activists seizing on the data have highlighted current famines in the Horn of Africa as proof that the continent shall require substantial increases in foreign aid over the next decades, claiming that Africa is unprepared to feed itself due to the predicted massive surge in population growth.

I – Word Understanding
Fourfold – to four times the number.
Seizing – grasping suddenly and forcibly.
Foreign aid – money, food, or other resources given or lent by one country to another.
Massive – exceptionally large.
Surge – move suddenly and powerfully forward or upward.

II – Have your say
1. The Single-Child Policy of China presently generate feeling of deprivation from their mothers and fathers, furthermore many single children often lack of means to channel their stress, which might lead to long term problems.
2. Many will have big families, knowing despite ongoing efforts to combat malnutrition and HIV, there is a strong risk many of their children will die.Isn’t look like the African future is grey and gloomy?
3. It’s dreadly to imagine what state the planet will be in with nearly 50% more people living on it than there are today.

135 Global population to soar to 11 billion by 2100 as African population quadruples