139 Saudi Arabia warns pilgrims over coronavirus


Health officials in Saudi Arabia have asked pilgrims visiting its holy sites to wear masks in crowded places to stop the spread of the MERS coronavirus.

A list of requirements issued by the health ministry also tells elderly people or those with chronic diseases to postpone their pilgrimage. Thirty-eight people have died from the virus in Saudi Arabia.

Millions of Muslims from around the world are expected to take part in the Hajj this October.
Once a year, pilgrims make the journey to Mecca in Saudi Arabia and pray together before the Kaaba.

I – Word Understanding
Pilgrims – people who travel to a holy land or special place
Pilgrimage – a journey to a holy place / special place
MERS coronavirus – Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus; it is the 6th new type of coronavirus like SARS
Chronic disease – a long lasting disease
Kaaba – a sacred house for Islam located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

II – Have your say
1. Hajj is one of the largest annually occurring pilgrimages in the world.
The 88 Temple Pilgrimage (also known as Shikoku Pilgrimage) is Japan’s most famous pilgrimage.
Why do people go on pilgrimage?
2. Good for the soul, good for business as well! In 2011, Saudi generated around US$10 billion from Hajj.
3. Millions of Muslims from around the world travel to Mecca. This year, there is a general concern about the spread of MERS-cov when these pilgrims go back to their home countries.
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139 Saudi Arabia warns pilgrims over coronavirus