168 Indian village bans mobile phone use by women


A village council in the eastern Indian state of Bihar has banned the use of mobile phones by women, saying the phones were “debasing the social atmosphere” by leading to elopements – a move that set off outraged protests from activists.

In addition to the ban, the Sunderbari village council in a Muslim-dominated area some 385 kilometers (239 miles) east of Patna, the capital of Bihar, has also imposed a fine of 10,000 rupees ($180) if a girl is caught using a mobile phone on the streets.

Married women would have to pay 2,000 rupees ($36.60).

I – Word Understanding
Debasing – lower the moral character
Elopements – the act of running a way with a lover

II – Have your say
1. Technology is meant to be used, not to be banned, according to global technology users, but for Indian religous inclined group it is mobile phones are debasing the social atmosphere.
2. Mobile phones may be the single most empowering technology for Indian women. To ban Indian women from using a mobile phone is an assualt of womens rights.
3. The Indian mobile phone revolution is particularly crucial because it is helping the poor, the remote, and the excluded (lower caste group).

168 Indian village bans mobile phone use by women