209 Habits of Happy People


It pays to have a sunny disposition. Optimistic people have been shown to have healthier hearts, better stress-management tendencies, and lower risk for stroke compared to their glass-half-empty-seeing counterparts. Looking on the bright side is easier said than done, of course. Fortunately, there are some ways to get your positive gears turning. What philosophies will you adopt to see more silver linings?

I ? Word Understanding
Sunny disposition ? cheerful and friendly
glass-half-empty-seeing ? negative thinking
silver linings ? something good that can be found in a bad situation

II ? Have Your Say
David Mezzapelle, author of Contagious Optimism, shares 10 tips for living more optimistically:
1. Be grateful
2. Share your stories
3. Forgive
4. Become a better listener
5. Turn envy and jealousy into energy
6. Smile more, frown less
7. Exercise and follow a healthy diet
8. Practice positive-forward thinking
9. Stop blaming others for your problems
10.Remember the past isn’t a blueprint of the future

209 Habits of Happy People