174 Eiji Toyoda, Driver of Global Expansion, Dies at 100


Eiji Toyoda spent half his life managing Toyota Motor Corp. and played an integral role in
Japan’s rise to the top of the global auto industry while restoring the founding family as leaders.

After touring Ford Motor Co.’s main plant in the U.S. in 1950, Mr. Toyoda returned home with
the idea of tailoring the mass-production methods he saw to Japanese standards. It became the
basis of Toyota’s efficient production that he promoted as kaizen, or continuous improvement,
and led Toyota to become the world’s largest auto maker by volume and one of Japan’s most
profitable companies.

After a failed early attempt to appeal to U.S. buyers, Toyota succeeded with its 1968 Corolla
model the year after Mr. Toyoda took over as president. Over its nearly 47 years on the market,
the Corolla has become the world’s most popular car, with more than 40 million sold.

I-Word Understanding
Integral role ? fundamental role
Profitable ? financial gain
II-Have your say

1. Under his stewardship, the carmaker set up at least 10 new factories, began exporting to dozens of
countries, established just-in-time production and built a reputation for manufacturing excellence.
The Corolla became the best-selling car of all time.
2. Eiji Toyoda gave the order to move into the luxury market. Six years and half a billion dollars
later, the very first Lexus was born.
3. Which of the Toyota cars product line is your dream car?

174 Eiji Toyoda, Driver of Global Expansion, Dies at 100