445 Taxing democracy: Why easy decisions can be hardest to make


Democracies are good at all sorts of things, but not always at making decisions.There’s a perfect example of that here in India, the world’s largest democracy.

There is a reform which would benefit virtually every Indian and which both main political parties agree should happen, yet which has been blocked in parliament for years.
So why is the country finding it so difficult to take a decision which should be so easy?

Democracy is the worst form of government. Political parties were following their own narrow self-interest.

I Word Understanding

Taxing – demanding
Reform– improve
Virtually– effectively
Blocked – closed
Democracy– all the people should be able to have their say in one way

II Have your say

8 reasons why Taxing Democracy doesn’t work
• Democracy Is Unsustainable
• State Secret
• Complex Accountability
• Mob Rule
• Entitlements
• Corruption
• Tribal Mentality
• Populism

445 Taxing democracy: Why easy decisions can be hardest to make