728 9 Powerful Life Lessons from 100 Year Olds

Watching videos of centurions, you start to see a theme – they all seem content. That might be shocking to younger people, especially anyone who fears old age. Perhaps we fear missing out on opportunities in life, and worry that we’ll find ourselves too old to do things we enjoy or maybe we’re just so stuck in the moment that we fail to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We set out to discover the secrets to life and interviewing people 100 years of age and older. What they share may surprise you!

Dr. Mercola (of the Mercola Video Library) interviewed three centurions for this very information, and many other people have as well. Quite a few of us (more now than ever) have relatives or know someone who is 100 or over.
One lady I know is 104 is full of sassy attitude and enjoys talking to people and sharing her wealth of wisdom. From my conversations with her and the interviews, here’s what we discovered about the secrets to living a happy and fulfilling life.
1. Happiness comes from what we do.
2. Happiness comes from a positive attitude and optimism
3. Happiness comes from living in the NOW.
4. Love and partnership is critical for long life.
5. Eat natural, real food to feel good and live longer.
6. Learn to adapt for a better and longer life.
7. Help others.
8. Always keep learning.
9. Practice mindfulness.

I – Word Understanding
Centurion – a person who is over 100 years old; In old time means: a military officer
Light at the end of the tunnel – the end of a difficult situation
Sassy – lively and full of spirit

II – Have Your Say
1. Do you fear old age? How do you prepare for the future?
2. What are the things that you want to enjoy now while you are still young?
3. What are the opportunities that you think you’ve missed in the past and how do you feel about it?
4. As for continuous learning, what are the things you are learning now and you want to learn in the future?
728 9 Powerful Life Lessons from 100 Year Olds